Cancer has been so widespread in the last few decades but hardly much is known in the public domain about curing it effectively. There is always someone either within your family or circle of friends whom you know of, who is suffering from the dreaded disease. Wouldn't it be empowering to know enough about this disease (without knowing too much of the complex and incomprehensible medical jargon and definitions) so that you can help a friend or a loved one, help in an informed manner to guide them to save a valuable life?
Shihan Lim will be conducting a 4-hour lecture/workshop on "All You Need to know about Cancer". The main topics that will be covered are,
Introduction of AMTCT
What is cancer?
How does cancer develop?
How does cancer spread?
Molecular biology of cancer
Types of cancer
What really causes cancer?
Conventional cancer treatment
New era in cancer treatment
e-Fusion in cancer treatementr
Cancer prevention
Quiz session
Please register in this website and book a seat. Talk to us for fee discounts.
Contact Us: Please contact Ms. Rebecca at +60 12 286 8336 for details.
\Note: This workshop is for free for AMTCT members. Tea/Coffee and refreshments will be provided. There will be a quiz conducted at the end of the session. Winner will be given prizes by AMTCT.